Monday, December 21, 2015

Cigarette vs e-cigarette

National Fatwa Council recently declared vaping is haram. Same thing goes to cigarette. Both are haram but it seems the fatwa has been ignored by majority smokers and they don't even bother with it. So, what make it so difficult for those muslim fellas to comprehend the word haram... They even pray and perform good deeds everyday but at the same time indulge in various type of smoking activities... To some extent, the imam or leader of religious organisation is the heavy smoker... may Allah swt protect us from this musibbah of current ummah and shed us light to the right path.. amin

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The grave

Once the population in the city is getting overpopulated over time, the same thing goes to graveyard. Normally, the space of graveyard is very limited for expansion since the nearby area is already occupied with various sort of development. So, authority has no choice and they must consider alternative way to alleviate this issue or otherwise, a relocation will be the last resort. The later always facing tremendous challenge whenever such decision has to be made. So, what is the best approach to address this issue... take a look!

Batu permata

Fenomena aura dari batu arkid masih menjadi persoalan dan perdebatan antara peminat cincin di nusantara. Sejauh mana kah dapat di buktikan berkenaan aura yang dihasilkan oleh pelbagai batu permata semulajadi dapat mempengaruhi aura badan manusia? Satu penyelidikan saintifik dari pihak akademik harus dijalankan untuk mengetahui akan fenomena ini agar ia dapat membantu sektor batu permata untuk mengenengahkan industri yang semakin popular disaat ini. Disini ade sampel batu arkid untuk tatapan pembaca.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

The prophecy of last chapter

Many hadith from our prophet s.a.w have mentioned about activities and occurrence that will happen in Syam... It is our duty to go thru each of these hadith to learn and comprehend the meaning and adopt to our belief towards the end of human being episode from this worldly matter...

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Another Relic

They are many physical remains from the past that modestly preserve till now... Some of them attract many attention from the public and closely secured for many reasons. Some of these remains located at disputed area in the world and difficult to access by public... only the picture can paint the memoirs...

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The magnitude of lightning

When lightning strike, we will see huge amount of light if it occurred during night time. The energy it carries to the ground is extremely enormous and scary. But if you really observe the moment of lightning strike occurrence, you will notice something extraordinary beyond our imagination...

Imminent hazard in tap water

Assalam wbt...

Kindly verify your water tank especially every 5 years of maintenance interval coz some parts will get rusty along the piping system. This will impose imminent hazard to your daily water consumption and usage. This aspect has been ignored by many of us since the location of the tank is normally located on top of the ceiling and always difficult to access by average person. But we have no choice or otherwise the effect will hit us badly sooner or later... Give a shot!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rehlah ke Istanbul


Pada Ogos 2015, saya berpeluang bermusafir ke kota Konstantinopal. Inilah pertama kali menjejaki ke bumi yang pernah menjadi empayar kerajaan Islam yang masyur satu ketika dulu. Perjalanan dari KLIA menggunakan pesawat B777-200 yang dikendalikan oleh MAS dan mengambil masa selama 10.5 jam.

Setiba di lapangan terbang Antartuk, saya terus menaiki keretapi dari airport ke hotel dengan 2x pertukaran. Kemudahan perkhidmatan awam disini memang membanggakan dan effisien sekali. Setelah check-in di hotel dan menukar pakaian untuk ekspedisi santai hari pertama, saya terus bersiar2 menikmati permandangan yang indah antara 2 benua dan peninggalan sejarah byzantine, rome dan ottoman.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Malay Ritual

Big brother is always treated as natural selection of spiritual leader in a family. All issues are indirectly pointing to the brother who is born as the eldest as next person in command after the parent. So, like it or not, you must slowly adhere to this perception. Be ready to deliver is always the motto and think out of the box is another expectation...

Saturday, October 17, 2015


There are many ways to optimize the usage of battery. One of the economical way to utilize the battery without any modification and headache is to purchase the battery in bulk at any DIY store. The replacement of battery is quite simple and can be done on your own. Give it a shot...

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Relic

Wondering around an old city of Istanbul is really worth a trip! So much to see and so much to explore... and the finding is always mesmerizing every moment you find it...:)

If you have enough spare time during the vacation, I really reckon for you to find the secret passage that will show you the relic... the key is adventure!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Business trip

After setting up my own company, I've been offered for deployment of radio service to provide coverage at intended area in east Malaysia recently. So, my 1st business trip with MH to fly in business class with all the nice ambient. During the flight, all the presentation slides were reviewed thoroughly and amended according to client requirements. Hopefully, everything will go smoothly & successfully, inshaAllah...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2015 Resolution

Year after year... we are still striving for the best and keep aiming higher from previous year. Thus, we need to embark to new thing and approach without worrying too much about failing. Only new way will lead to new dimension that enable us to achieve higher and higher... So, stand up to challenges in this coming years and be more daring in experiencing various calculated risks with right knowledge. Get up and try again if we fail at the 1st attempt and learn from the mistakes. Never let ourselves trapped in comfort zone since no improvement will be made along the way! So, start charting your financial goal seriously and execute with precise plan... and do pray for the blessing from Allah swt.... InshaAllah.